Dedication to Minion

Dedicated to one of the most amazing people in my life: Minion.

Thank you for being the stars in my night where the moon wasn't strong enough to guide me.

"My dearest Minion, thank you for being the night to my day, the salt in my coffee, the blood in my veins, the beat in my heart. There will neevr be enough words to describe how much you saved me, how much you have positively impacted me. While I may not be the best at coding, here's a little gift for you. It will never surmount to what you have done to me, but I hope it's a start in the right direction of saying thank you. "

"When I first met you, we were both broken souls trying to get by. With love and support from you, you helped me through some of the darkest nights of my life. Over 2 years later you are still by my side helping me, supporting me. Through ups and downs, arguments and distance. Thank you for helping us get past the challenges of time itself. The more time I spend with you, the more I get closer to you, the more I adore you, the more I am proud of you, the more I realise how much you do and deal with on a daily basis. As I have said numerous times before, your strength is admriable. Thank you for being an inspiring other half, it's a honour to be able to call you mine."

"When scaffolding this website, I inputed basic quotes here to fill the space. One of the ones that went here is 'Every moment with you is a gift' and I hold that to be true. I love spending so much time with you, creating memories, getting to know you more. You are the gift itself. I am grateful to the universe every single day that I got a chance to meet you and I got a chance to be apart of your life and that you got to be apart of mine. I don't want to ever loose your presence. You mean more to me than anything. You've seen me ball my eyes out, you stayed. You saw me laugh and be me, you stayed. You have seen me been angry and frustrated, you stayed. You've seen my direct my anger toward you, you stayed. That's more than anyone has ever done. I love you so much, and if that isn't clear, I will scream it at the top of my lungs for you one day, I promise. "